Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun??

I'm hard at work on Last Train to Clarkdale and it's shaping up very well. It's fun to revisit some of my old haunts from years ago, modernize them in degrees and let my two heroes see them through new eyes. And of course watch them find the pleasure and treasure of a new love on the way. You'll enjoy Jon and Clay, I think, and the proxy trip on the Verde Canyon Wilderness train. It makes me want to go back and take the trip again!

I also really wanted to share a wonderful review of Dark and Stormy that I saw the other day. The reviewer mentions my story and Jane Eyre in the same sentence. Talk about being on cloud nine! She really loved it and had very few negative comments at all. That is wonderful! It feel so good to have someone else love Dylan and Martin too. I really liked them both very much.

Here is a snip and  the link to read the whole thing:

"I  was reminded of Jane Eyre more than once as I read this. Common themes sprung throughout, the mystery hidden in the manor out in the moors. But the mystery here is different, with drama, suspense, and action on a whole other level… The haunting manor with its rich private rooms and its abandoned sections offers a delightfully suspenseful backdrop to a Gothic style mystery/adventure and erotic romance. The scenes between Martin and Dylan are fraught with sexual tension. Martin and Dylan are both heroic in their own way, and I rooted for them from the beginning. Highly recommended ..."

A reissue of Gwynn Morgan's Healing Hearts will be coming in January on the regular (non erotic/LGBT) side of Amber Quill under the new title Hearts to Heal. More on that when the date gets closer. Meanwhile watch for Last Train in September or October. I'll share the cover and the exact date just as soon as I have them!

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